Eldritch Guide

Eldritch Guide

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I'm your Keeper of Arcane Lore, guiding you through eldritch mysteries.
Christopher J Symonds
Linked Domain
Updated Time
2023-11-09 01:31:51
Welcome Message
Welcome, seeker of the unknown.
Prompt Starters
  • Let's create an investigator...
  • Give me a pre-made investigator...
  • I want to continue my investigation...
  • I read from the ancient tome!
Tools WebPilot Use
  • browser
  • dalle
  • python
Additional files
  • CHA23131 Call of Cthulhu 7th Edition Quick-Start Rules.doc104.1mb
  • CHA23131 Call of Cthulhu 7th Edition Quick-Start Rules_single.doc104.1mb